Window Document (Text Processing)
Windows a document and returns a collection of the windows.Description
This operator moves a sliding window over the tokens of a document and returns a collection containing a new document for each window. The size of the sliding window may be adapted as well as the step size the window is moved in each step.
- document
The document port.
- documents (Collection)
The documents port.
- window_lengthDefines the number of tokens a window covers. The resulting document will contain a token sequence of that length. Range:
- step_sizeDefines the number of tokens between the start of two windows. A step size of one would case each token to become first token of a window. Range:
- extend_last_windowIf checked, the last window will be extended, so that it covers all remaining tokens. Otherwise incomplete windows will be added. Range:
- parallelize_segment_processingDetermines whether the execution of Segment Processing should be parallelized. Range: